清明节广州 到汕头返乡祭祖包车

2019-06-01 浏览(479 喜欢(16
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清明节广州到汕头返乡祭祖包车 潮汕车旅車隊 潮州地接 歡迎業務洽談。 潮州包車租車 蔡经理
同微 心傾請 服務遊客,專業導遊兼司機,國外旅遊模式,自由行,家庭包車,公司包車,團隊包車,潮州中英文導遊,
Chaozou local travel
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in , Chaozhou, Swatow, Shanou, Chaoshan, Jaoping, Swabue, Jiaopeng, Tenhai, Thenghai, Namow, Powneng, Poleng, Kityang, Kityo, Teoyeo TioYio 常規旅遊線路:
Now we come to Hanwengong Shrine,which is beside Hangjiang river and west of Bijia mountain. This shrine had been constructed since Song Dynasty and become the oldest existing and the most completed reservation memorial of Han Yu,who is the great literary man in Tang Dynasty. In the year of A.D.819,for some political reason,Han Yu was exiled to Chaozhou,a backland at that time.But he was not depressed by this,he helped local people to develop education,agriculture,irrigation and release slaves.To memorize what he had contributed to the development of Chaozhou,people constructed this shrine and name him “Hanwengong” respectfully. Chaozhou is located in the easternmost part of the Guangdong Province, north of the coastal Shantou City. It is situated north of the delta of the Han River, which flows throughout the city. The Chaozhou territory is mountainous. In particular, the nearby Phoenix Mountain's peak is 1497 meters above sea level. The main nearby rivers are the Huanggang River and the Han River. The Han River flows from west to southeast, and ramps through downtown Chaozhou; the Huanggang river flows roughly from north to south through the territory of Raoping, emptying into the sea. These two rivers
abundant water for Chaozhou.[6] Hills account for 65% of the total land area within the city, mainly in Raoping and Northern Chaoan. To the north of the city, there is a wide mountainous area suitable for tea cultivation; the lower-altitude areas nearby are mainly suitable for growing bamboo, peach, plum, olive, and pineapple. On the banks of the Han River, there is fertile land used for rice, sweet potato, peanut, soybean, carrot, orange, peach, and banana cultivation. 1.1 潮州线 chaozhou
tour plan &
Tour guide
廣濟樓,北閣佛燈,金山,潮州西湖,地庵公園,黃公祠,溪美,陶瓷博物館,鎮記牛肉,潮州工藝品街,宋駙馬府,孔廟,載陽茶館,牌坊街,廣濟橋,韓文公祠,漂流竹筏,鹿湖溫泉,湯溪水庫,青嵐地質公園,道韻客家土樓,綠島山莊 1.2 汕头线 Shantou Swatow tour plan &
Tour guide
桂園別墅,文化館,開埠館,潮海關,大清郵局,博物館,小公園騎樓,西堤騎樓,牛田洋,汕頭大學,以色列理工學院,海濱長廊,石炮台,碼頭,英國領事館,達濠堂,礐石風景區,南堤海岸,東海岸景觀,北山灣度假區,陳慈黌故居 1.3 南澳线 Nanao Namow tour plan &
Tour guide
東海岸,南澳大橋,錢澳灣,南澳長山尾碼頭,前江灣,展南亭,雲澳碼頭,宋井,青澳灣,總兵府,深澳碼頭,縣城,風能發電,後花園景區,黃花山森林公園站 1.4 揭陽線 Jieyang Kityang tour plan &
Tour guide
黄满寨瀑布,皇明度假村,揭阳楼,大洋旅游区,万竹园,北河文化名村 1.5 梅州山景别墅线 Meizhou Hongsoon Meichew tour plan &
Tour guide
雁南飞,桥溪古韵,雁鸣湖度假村,灵光寺,剑英故居,客天下景区,千佛塔,东山书院,客家博物馆,黄遵宪故居,梅州图书馆,梅州博物馆,梅州文化馆 1.6 东山温泉海岛线 Fujian dongshan tour plan &
Tour guide
风动石景区,铜山古称,马銮湾,金銮湾,环岛公路,铜山小姐,金汤湾度假海水温泉,云霄枇杷栈道,诏安古城,所城 1.7 汕尾线 Swabue tour plan &
Tour guide
玄武山风景区,红海湾,天下第一山景区,品清湖,银龙湾 1.8 澄海线 Tenhai tour plan &
Tour guide
1.9 南靖线 Nanjing tour plan &
Tour guide
永福樱花,南靖土楼,云水谣 1.10 河源线 Heyuan tour plan &
Tour guide
潮州最规范车队 多款车型: 5座现代,5座本田思迪,7座宝骏商务车,7座本田奥德赛,7座GL8.
9座格瑞斯商务车,14座金龙客车,17做全顺客车,18座金杯客车,22座金杯客车,35座宇通客车,25座海格客车,13座考斯特,23座考斯特,46座宇通客车,56座金龙客车 1.丰顺温泉,东山金汤湾温泉,漳浦云顶酒店温泉,莲花山观光温泉包车服务,鹿湖温泉,宝丰温泉,金德宝温泉 2.南澳岛,东山岛渔船打鱼,网鱼,海,上自行车,海上旅游观光船,浮潜,快艇,渔船预订服务,海上娱乐船,海上渔家住宿,海上捕捞,摩托艇项目,丰顺温泉,东山温泉,茶山游玩,南澳环岛游,龙鲸河漂流,潮州竹筏游。 3.特色民宿预订,海景民宿,山景民宿,特色民俗体验,温泉旅游,溪流旅游,茶山游,潮汕古建筑游,探亲观光游等 4.导游,当地向导,中文导游,英文导游,英文翻译服务。 5.公司年会,同学聚会,会议室,观光,聚餐安排服务 6.主持人,年会主持,年会策划,婚礼策划,大型活动组织策划 微 we信chat 号no.:Swatow_chartered_bus
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潮汕7座9座14座17座18座22座25座35座客车包车 山东环岛游9座格瑞斯客车豪华商务车高端 东山海岛南靖土楼梅州桥溪古韵潮汕包车游 7座宝骏商务车
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